Life mathematics at Manresa
It was open to the public at the Exhibition Hall of Caixa Manresa, Plana de Om, from 7 May to 28 June 2009. There was a good attendance, and the local press also picked up on it.
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Mathematic Challenge

May 5 - A mathematical challenge was presented to 1st ESO students from the city, organized by the Centre of Educational Resources of Bages, with the collaboration of teachers of mathematics from various high-school in Bages.

The opening ceremony of "Matemagia, the Magic of Numbers" took place on 7 May with a talk & show by Fernando Blasco - mathematician and professor at UPM. There was a large audience in attendance.
Mathematics to calculate

One part of this exhibition was a selection of mathematical rulers - thanks to the collaboration of Lorenzo Villa and Pedro Alvarez. There was also a selection of old calculators, the precursors of mainframe computers, thanks to the collaboration of Montserrat Pons, Enric Ventura and Sebastià Vila.
More Mathematics

This resource contains materials lent by BCUM (Manresa Campus Library); Library of the Casino; the Educational Resource Centre of Bages and the editorial Nivola-Rompecabezas. It also contains recognised previous research projects, which can be used by high school math students in the district, to do their own research project.