Life mathematics at the mNACTEC

"Let's Do Mathematics" at mNACTEC

Saturday 28 May 2011 - Catalan students who had been selected for the final phase of the competition, "We Do Mathematics" (organized by Feemcat) visited the exhibition at mNATEC. The message that led them to the exposition had been encrypted, which was one of the challenges they had to overcome, using cryptography.
You can view images at Photo Album
Workshop: Creation of Didcatical Activities

A series of workshops for teachers have been delivered both in the museum and on-line.They were included in the Permanent Training Plan of the Education Departament of the Generalitat of Catalunya.
The main goal of the workshops was to provide ideas and resources which could be used to prepare activities for the students in such a way that they discovered the different kinds of mathematics which we encounter day-to-day. Ask your questions and find out some answers!
Forum: "Mathematics in Children's Lives"

On Saturday November 26 a forum was held at mNACTEC: "Mathematics in Children's Lives". The main activity was the presentation of cases from primary schools, with a good level of participation!
The activity has been well received by the public, whose participation we always appreciate!
Conference: Mathematics in the lives of young people

Saturday December 17 - A seminar was held to help with the teaching of mathematics to young people. The conference's various activities were especially aimed at secondary teachers.
Workshop: Mathematics of life in the classroom

Teachers from primary schools presented new activities they have designed for students to help them appreciate the role of mathematics in their life.